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Version: 2.1.2



smart version of collection sync that combines ctag based sync with webdav sync.

const { created, updated, deleted } = (
await smartCollectionSync({
collection: {
url: '',
ctag: 'eWd9Vz8OwS0DE==',
syncToken: 'eWdLSfo8439Vz8OwS0DE==',
objects: [
etag: '"63758758580"',
id: '0003ffbe-cb71-49f5-bc7b-9fafdd756784',
data: 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nVERSION:2.0\nPRODID:-// Calendar 1.0//EN\nCALSCALE:GREGORIAN\nMETHOD:PUBLISH\nBEGIN:VEVENT\nSUMMARY:Abraham Lincoln\nUID:c7614cff-3549-4a00-9152-d25cc1fe077d\nSEQUENCE:0\nSTATUS:CONFIRMED\nTRANSP:TRANSPARENT\nRRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYMONTH=2;BYMONTHDAY=12\nDTSTART:20080212\nDTEND:20080213\nDTSTAMP:20150421T141403\nCATEGORIES:U.S. Presidents,Civil War People\nLOCATION:Hodgenville, Kentucky\nGEO:37.5739497;-85.7399606\nDESCRIPTION:Born February 12, 1809\nSixteenth President (1861-1865)\n\n\n\n \n\nURL:,328-abraham-lincol\n n\nEND:VEVENT\nEND:VCALENDAR',
url: '',
objectMultiGet: calendarMultiGet,
method: 'webdav',
detailedResult: true,
account: {
accountType: 'caldav',
homeUrl: '',
headers: {
authorization: 'Basic x0C9ueWd9Vz8OwS0DEAtkAlj',


  • collection required, the target collection to sync
  • method defaults to auto detect, one of basic and webdav
  • account DAVAccount to sync
  • detailedResult boolean indicate whether the return value should be detailed or not
  • headers request headers
  • headersToExclude array of keys of the headers you want to exclude
  • fetchOptions options to pass to underlying fetch function

objects inside collection are not needed when detailedResult is true.

Return Value

depend on detailedResult option

if detailedResult is falsy,

array of latest DAVObject

if detailedResult is true,

an object of


detect if collection support sync-collection REPORT

if they supports, use rfc6578 webdav sync to detect if collection changed,

else use ctag to detect if collection changed.

if collection changed, fetch the latest list of DAVObject from remote,

compare the provided list and the latest list to find out created, updated, and deleted objects.

if detailedResult is falsy,

fetch the latest list of DAVObject from changed collection using rfc6578 webdav sync and objectMultiGet

if detailedResult is true,

return three list of separate objects for created, updated, and deleted